Quality Seeds Since 1934
CORN - 玉米
WH 21 Thailand Sweet Corn 泰国超甜玉米
本品种全年可种植,耐热,抗倒伏,叶斑病,锈病抗性佳,叶深綠色, 莖粗壮,著粒完整饱满。播种后约65-70天可收成。
This variety can be planted throughout the year, heat tolerance, lodging resistance, leaf spot disease, vigorous plant, big kernels with bright yellow color. Sweet corn can be harvested around 65-70 days after planting.
WH 22 Extra Sweet Corn 彩珠特甜玉米
此甜玉米是特选品种,果穗直筒型,排列整齐 ,油黄色,味道很好又甜。
Selected variety, big cylindrical-shaped ear, straight rows, creamy yellow kernel, excellent flavor and very sweet.
WH 23 White Waxy Corn 白糯玉米
Vigorous plant, very good disease tolerant. Fruit length about 18-20cm, delicious corn. Harvest about 60-62 days after sowing.
WH 27 F1 Hybrid Biolor Sweet Corn 交配金冬黄白甜玉米
Plant height about 180cm, plant thick and strong, dark green leaves, good disease resistance. Yellow and white color corn, weight 450-500g. Harvest about 65-70 days after sowing.
WH 254 F1 Hybrid Super Sweet Corn 交配黄密超甜玉米
此品种株高约180cm,果重约500g,耐热、耐雨、抗病好,品质优良。播种后约65 天开始收成。
Plant height about 180cm, plant thick and strong, good disease resistance. Yellow color corn, weight around 500g. Harvest about 65 days after sowing.