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WH 67 White Seed Pole Bean.jpg
100mm x 140mm WH68_French Bean_Kacang Bu
WH660 Selected Brown Seed French

WH 67 White Seed Pole Bean 白仁乌规豆

  • 长势旺盛,抗病性好,适合多种气候种植,全年可种。豆荚油浅绿色,长约14-16cm,白籽,香甜可口,在市场上受欢迎。播种后约50-55天可开始采收。

  • Vigorous plant, disease tolerance good, suitable for a variety of climate planting, all year can grow. Pods light green, length 14-16cm, white seed, sweet and tasty, popular in the market. Harvest 50-55 days after sowing.

WH 68 French Bean 烏規豆

  • 长势旺盛,抗病性好,适合多种气候种植,全年可种。豆荚翠绿色,长约14-16cm,黑籽,香甜可口,在市场上受欢迎。播种后约50-55天可开始采收。

  • Vigorous plant, disease tolerance good, suitable for a variety of climate planting, all year can grow. Pods green, length 14-16cm, black seed, sweet and tasty, popular in the market. Harvest 50-55 days after sowing.

WH 660 Selected Brown Seed French Bean 乌规豆 (褐色籽)

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