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WH 028 Cucumber 青皮地芠

  • 此品种属中早熟品种,果长约20cm,宽约4-4.5 cm。果色绿,下部带花纹。  品质很甜,果重约300-400g ,耐运输。

  • This variety is early maturing varieties, fruit length 20cm, width 4 - 4.5 cm. Fruit green, sweet taste, fruit weight about 300 - 400g, resistant to transportation.

WH 338 F1 Hybrid Cucumber 一代交配青瓜(生到发)

  • 生长旺盛,抗病能力好,全年可种植。美丽的果实18-20cm,果实中等绿,酥脆,甜,平均重量200 - 250g / 果实。保存期长,播种后约35-40天开始采收。

  • Strong growth, disease resistance is very good, all year can grow. Beautiful fruits 18-20 cm, medium green, crispy, sweet, average weight 200 - 250g / fruit. Preserved for long time.  Can begin harvest 35-40 days after sowing.

WH  789 F1 Hybrid Cucumber 一代交配青瓜(超得意)

  • 此青瓜品种果实圆柱形,果皮光滑,果实深绿色,果长约22-24cm,长势强,座果强,果形稳定一致。耐病,耐存放,耐运输。播种后约35-40天开始采收。

  • This cucumber variety fruit shape cylindrical, smooth skin, fruit dark green, fruit length about 22-24cm, high fruit setting rate, strong growth, quality fruit. Disease resistant, resistant to storage and transportation, can begin harvest 35-40 days after sowing.

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WH 731 F1 Hybrid Cucumber 一代交配青瓜(合心意)


WH 780 F1 Hybrid Old Cucumber 一代交配老黄瓜


WH 711 F1 Hybrid Japanese Cucumber 一代交配日本青瓜

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